Saturday, March 26, 2011

Don't Be A Butthead.

       Hello hello! Ok so think about this...has there ever been something that you have wanted so bad but you just cant get it? Yea? No way, me too! Facial hair. Its the best. I wish I could have it. I mean I have it, I just wish it came in like the stinking 6 inches of snow that came in on the first day of my spring break. Ok, enough about that, although if you know any tricks about how to get your facial hair to come in thicker besides shaving every morning, i'm all ears.

Hi. I am delighted that you have decided to stumble upon The Better Half of Me! Whether it was by accident or not, I welcome you to the thoughts of a poor college student. Maybe you can relate, who knows..actually you know because you are you and...yea. You understand. So I want to keep this short because I tend to carry on and I cant stay on topic. Lately, God has been revealing a lot to me as usual and I would love to share it with you!

It seems there are a lot of Christians who ask for God to reveal himself to them so they can be obedient and serve God and serve others. However, I have become aware lately that when God reveals himself to some Christians who ask and plead for God to reveal himself, they hear what he has to say and instead of being obedient and saying yes Lord, they say Yes Lord, BUT....(here lies the excuse). You see, people say yes because they know what God is revealing to them is what needs to happen. For example, stop looking at porn, your boyfriend or girlfriend is an idol before me and you know how to fix that, so do what needs to be done, you have been starving yourself of my word for too long now...etc.

When God reveals himself to Christians, sometimes we know what needs to change, but we are holding on to that one thing that is keeping us from being completely obedient to God. That is when we say yes, BUT I can't give that up, or yes BUT I will change that on my own time and soon enough you're in a deeper hole than when you started. Whatever it is that needs to change, its not going to be easy. If you're looking for easy then Christianity is not the thing for you. Now I said I was going to keep this short, so here is the point I am making. Don't be a yes BUT Christian. If you wonder why you keep asking God to reveal himself to you and nothing happens, maybe its because he already has revealed to you what needs to be done and what needs to change in your life, but you continue to make up an excuse not to change your habits. Being obedient to God is one of the biggest measures of your love for him. 99% obedience is 100% disobedience to God. He deserves our best, our all, and if you are not striving to give him 100% obedience, what is it that has the other percentage of your obedience? I think you will find that if you cut out that other percent of obedience that is not to God from your life, God will reveal himself to you in a way like you have never experienced before and your heart will be softened. Don't be a yes BUT Christian.

Thanks for stopping by to The Better half of Me, hope this encouraged you a bit! This is your Captain speaking, thanks for listening, over and out!


-P.S If you are a yes BUT Christian (which I have been in the past) you have the right to call yourself a butthead. Ha i thought that was funny, sorry if that is insulting in any way, shape or form.

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